SCOPE OF THE MEETING The January 2022 Hunga eruption was the most explosive volcanic eruption in the satellite era, and the water-rich plume is having substantial impacts on the stratosphere and climate. A SPARC cross-activity Hunga eruption impacts project has convened a special Hunga impacts report for publication in late-2025. The report will feed into the 2026 UNEP/WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, providing a benchmark synthesis of the eruption’s impacts on the stratosphere and climate. This 2nd open science workshop invites latest research on Hunga’s impacts on the atmosphere, with modelling and observational studies of the progressing volcanic aerosol and water vapour and its impacts on climate and the stratospheric ozone layer. The topics of the meeting are defined according to the planned chapters of the report LOCATION The workshop will be in-person in Paris, France, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure - PSL University (24 rue Lhomond, 75005), located in the very center of Paris near the Pantheon. The area is served by RER B (stop Luxembourg), metro line 7 (stop Place Monge) and several bus lines. Several bicycle services can be used inside Paris. Lunches will be provided in the premises of the school. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Hunga's Co-Chairs: Yunqian Zhu (LASP & CIRES/NOAA, USA), Graham Mann (University of Leeds), Paul A. Newman (NASA Goddard, USA), William Randel (NCAR, USA) Local committee: Clair Duchamp (LMD-IPSL), Sergey Khaykin (LATMOS-IPSL), Bernard Legras (LMD-IPSL), Aurélien Podglajen (LMD-IPSL), Hélène Rouby (ENS), Pasquale Sellitto (LISA-IPSL) INSTRUCTIONS FOR TALKS AND POSTERS The duration of each talk including questions is 15 minutes. It is suggested to devote 12 minutes to the presentation and to leave 3 minutes for the questions. The presentations need to be uploaded to the presentation computer before each session. The preferred format is PDF but PowerPoint or LibreOffice presentations are also acceptable. Animations can be included but if they are heavy, please consider putting them on a video server like Vimeo with a link in your presentaion (this works with PDF files). This will garanty a smooth stream for on line attendants. The presentations can be sent in advance (the previous day) to sparc-ht24@sciencesconf.org as an attachment or as a link to a deposit from which they can be downloaded. The preferred format of posters is A0 portrait. They will be hanged on the walls of the lobby of the conference room. Each poster will have a dedicated location indicated by a number in the programme and on a list that will be posted. The posters will stay on the walls from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24. On line presentations need to be sent in advance to be uploaded to the server. Specific instructions will be sent to authors. ON LINE ATTENDANCE The oral sessions will be broadcasted on line. The link will be sent to on line registered attendants. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND REGISTRATION Abstract submission and registration are now closed. For both, you need first to be known from the server. First go to the "Registration and submission" page and get an account that will be used for registration, submission and consulting of the programme and informations when available. Keep track of the login and password you use. Once you received the confirmation of your account, you can login and submit an abstract by going to "My submissions" and you can register. If you have already preregistered, you need to go through the full registration again. Use the same account as for pre-registration and your browser might have kept the entered data in cache. Abstract submission is now closed. No more abstracts will be received. Registration is possible until 15 March 2024 at reduced fee 110€ and until 12 April 2024 at 130€. When filling the registration form, make sure to fill the address box of the payment section with the name of the institution to be billed, not only the address. It is possible to register for on line participation. In this case, use the exonerated rate (0€). Notice that it will not be possible, for logistic reasons, to accommodate on site registration. It is very advisable to book travel and accommodation as soon as possible. Late April is already well within the touristic season in Paris and low price opportunities might vanish rapidly. You do not need to stay in the immediate proximity of the school as Paris is quite small and most locations inside Paris can be reached in about a half-hour. The intention of this meeting is to be in person to favour discussion among the authors of the report. If you want to attend the meeting but have no possibility to travel please contact us through the contact mail. The contact mail is to be used also in case of difficulties. TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP A limited fund has been made available from APARC (ex-SPARC) to support young carrier scientists and / or scientists from the global South. It is intended to provide 5 fellowships of 600 CHF each, to be adjusted, in order to cover partially the travel and living expenses. If you are wishing to benefit of this support, please write to the contact mail joining a CV. VISA In case you need an invitation letter to get a visa, please send a request to Contact with VISA in the subject and indicate your full name and affiliation in the message. Do it enough in advance as delays can be quite long in some consulates. Notice that if you attend first the EGU meeting in Vienna, you need a single Schengen visa for both countries but it has to be delivered by the country of first entry, that is Austria. See https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2020-08/frequently_asked_questions_en.pdf and in particular item 5. This is not valid of course if you enter through a non-Schengen country like the UK. |
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